Shutter Speed - Shooting Action Revisal
By: Noah Carl
When this project was assigned (Shutter Speeds), I was a photography newbie. I had no idea how to really work a camera, and words and phrases like "Aperture, "ISO" and "Shutter speed" were all foreign terms to me. I executed this assignment cleanly, but to be honest I took an extremely boring photo. It was simply Wesley jumping up and down. However I really enjoyed the assignment. Although it was extremely simple, I really liked the idea of capturing a moment on a camera that the human eye can't even detect and remember. There were no real challenges and difficulties, but I do remember having to try multiple shutter speeds before settling on the fastest setting to take photos of this nature. The second time around, I chose to revise this assignment because I really really enjoy taking action photos, those quick moments that are so difficult/impossible to capture with the naked eye. I also made it a more interesting shot by getting two people to run and jump over the barrier while posing, making for some entertaining shots. After setting up low to the ground and taking multiple shots in rapid succession, I went back to the lab and had to pick my favorites from those jumps. After picking the photos that I thought were the most entertaining, I edited them slightly to make them more appealing to look at. What now looks like a few simple shots actually took some work on my behalf. As I continue on with photography after this class, I know that high shutter speed action shots are primarily what I will be shooting. That is another reason why I chose to revise this assignment, it will definitely help me prepare for my photographic future by defining my style. I have definitely learned that for shots like these, a lot of the time you just have to hold down the button and hope for the best shots to come out. However, you also need to take into account the lighting and colors because otherwise the shots will look boring and useless. What started what sounds like a simple assignment, I actually learned a lot through completing a second time.